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Habitant 01, 2018. Oil paint on canvas, 180X130cm

Habitant 02, 2018. Oil paint on canvas, 180X130cm

Habitant 03, 2018. Oil paint on canvas, 180X130cm

Mutualism is a very narrow degree of cooperation between species. Both lead a joint life in close association to the point of being often indiscernible from each other. This cooperation generally has benefits for both (or at least one) of the species, because the association between the two species is mutually beneficial, being useful to both diners. This often implies some degree of tolerance or explicit cooperation between them.

I created these three paintings where I represent three different ecosystems. Each on a hermit crab, each with a different city on the shell. These temporary and interchangeable armors are both the landscape and part of the landscape in which the crabs inhabit and move.​